May 2024: Cristián Cox was interviewed by el Mostrador on the lasting impacts of Covid on education, especially for vulnerable children. The interview, conducted in Spanish, is available on the el Mostrador website.
March 2024: New release, Rethinking Centre-Periphery Assumptions in the History of EducationExchanges Among Brazil, USA, and Europe by Diana Gonçalves Vidal and Vivian Batista da Silva.
This collection encompasses a period that spans two centuries, in which Brazil serves as a point of departure and of arrival for the analyses of circuits that, intertwined within the national borders, stimulate the reflection about international transits, hybridizations, and appropriations in a process of transnational circulation of subjects and artifacts, in which pedagogical and social models and knowledges are not excluded. The chapters deal with voyages, trajectories, and exchanges, rethinking the beliefs that for a long time drove politicians, educators, and scholars in search of the best ways to construct national systems of education. Firstly, because they presupposed the existence of fixed and univocal relationships that start from the supposed center toward the regions perceived as peripheral, with no margin for examining the reverse circuit. Secondly, they elided the perception of those territories as transitory and resulting from historically shifting geographic and symbolic constructions. Lastly, they ratified the violence of the processes of exclusion based on the attribution of subalternities brought about by a historiographic narrative in education that presents itself as a reference.
Additional access to the book’s content is available here.
Diana Gonçalves Vidal is Full Professor in the School of Education at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Vivian Batista da Silva is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Forthcoming book: Bruno-Jofré, R.; Attridge, M. & Igelmo, J. (2023) (eds) Rethinking Freire and Illich: Historical, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives. Canada, ON: University of Toronto Press
April 2023: The latest in THEIRG’s monograph series, Meta-Education: The Attempt to Get Beyond a Politicized Conceptual Framework in Philosophy of Education, will be published in late fall 2023 on the Theory and History of Education Monograph Series website.
April 2023: Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Diana Gonçalves Vidal are applying for another Connections grant to hold the next international symposium in São Paulo, Brazil. Theme: Teacher Education.
March, 2023. The upcoming special edition of Encounters in Theory and History of Education, “Conceptions and Practices of Education in a ‘Longue Durée’ Approach: Paths to a Critical Self-Reflexive History of Education,” will be published in late autumn 2023 on the Encounters website. Guest edited by Michael Attridge, the issue will contain papers from the February 2023 international symposium held at University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto. The issue will also feature an interview of James Scott Johnston (Memorial University) by Paul Fairfield (Queen’s University).
Upcoming symposium: A Contextual Historical Analysis of Conceptions and Practices of Education Across Time and Space from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century (provisional title). February 16–19, 2023, St. Michael’s University College in the University of Toronto and via zoom.
Hybrid closed working symposium. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant file 611-2019-0427
Principal applicant Rosa Bruno-Jofré; Host: Michael Attridge.
A symposium of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG); Participation and collaboration from three Queen’s Education graduate students: Mohammad Fateh, Peter Glinos, and Bonita Uzoruo. https://educ.queensu.ca/their) in partnership with members of the Institute for Research on the Second Vatican Council in Canada at USMC (http://dominicantoronto.org/institute-research-vatican-ii-canada/),the Civic Culture and Educational Policies Research Team from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (www.ucm.es/ccpe), members of the History of Education Research Group (NIEPHE) (https://sites.usp.br/niephe/) and the Thematic Project Education in Borders (https://sites.usp.br/educacaoemfronteiras/) of the University of São Paulo, and the Cátedra Alfredo Bosi, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA/USP) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society Fifty Years Later
Funded by SSHRC Connection Grant 2020–23.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofré.
Michael Attridge (St. Michael’s College/University of Toronto);
Veronica Dunne (RNDM);
Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid);
Elizabeth Smyth (University of Toronto)
An invitational international two-day symposium held via zoom on May 21st and 22nd, 2021 marking the fiftieth anniversary of two of the most influential books in modern educational and social theory: Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (published in Portuguese in 1968, translated into English in 1970) and Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society (published in 1971, drawn from articles written in the late 1960s). The event took place virtually at St. Michael’s University College (USMC), University of Toronto, the home of an internationally distinguished Faculty of Theology, a tribute to the Catholic underpinnings of these two public intellectuals, whose penetrating and prescient critiques have made an indelible impression both within and beyond theological circles. The symposium gathered the members of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group, led by Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, the Civic Culture and Education Policy Research Team from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, members of the Institute for Research on Vatican II at USMC, and members of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions/RNDM women religious, who work with political refugees and join efforts with various NGOs in Canada and internationally. Event presenters from Canada, Spain, France, Chile, and Australia, including academics, graduate students, and grassroots educators, will be invited to prepare and circulate draft papers for feedback in advance of the symposium; in the symposium, each paper will have a respondent who will open the discussion. Invitations to attend were extended to graduate students from the Faculty of Theology at USMC, the Toronto School of Theology and the Departments of History, Philosophy, Religion, Sociology and Curriculum Teaching and Learning at the University of Toronto and York University, and representatives from various NGOs.
Please visit the symposium page for more information.
Book in process with the papers discussed at the symposium, University of Toronto Press.