Theory and History of Education International Research Group

Founding Coordinator: Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Left)
Co-Coordinator: Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Right)
The goals of the research group are to:
Conduct interdisciplinary research in History and Philosophy of Education.
Encourage interdisciplinary dialogue.
Participate in public discourse on issues pertaining to our research.
Promote collaboration with other research groups in our respective countries.
Engage in open access publications. Encounters has been, from the start in 2000, an open access journal.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré (former dean of the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, 2000–2010) is the founding coordinator of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group, which was created in the Winter of 2007. In addition to Dr. Bruno-Jofré, the group initially was comprised of James Scott Johnston (at the time at Queen’s, now at Memorial); Daniel Tröhler (University of Vienna, formerly at the Pestalozzianum Institute in Zurich and University of Luxembourg, now at the University of Vienna); and Gonzalo Jover (Department of History and Theory of Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Dean of the Faculty of Education). Cristián Cox (a professor at the Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile; former dean of the Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; former head of the Centre of Educational Research and Innovation Project, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago; formerly of the Curriculum and Evaluation Unit of the Ministry of Education of Chile). Cox joined the research group in 2008. William Pinar worked with the Group between 2015 and 2019.
The Group aims at sharing research, engaging in collaborative scholarly work, generating academic exchanges or symposia, and producing scholarly work in English, French, and Spanish related to History and Philosophy of Education. The Group publishes Encounters in Theory and History of Education / Rencontres en Théorie et Histoire de l’Éducation (a well-established and indexed trilingual journal, founded in 2000). Encounters began in 2000 as a journal that attempted to generate a dialogue among educational researchers from Canada, Spain, and Latin America in light of internationalization and economic globalization. Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) is co-editor. The Journal was co-founded by Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Queen’s University) and Gonzalo Jover (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). The Group and Encounters produce an Open Monograph Series entitled Theory and History of Education hosted by the Queen’s University Library’s Monograph Hosting Service.
Open Monograph Series in Theory and History of Education
THEIRG’s first four Monograph Series books have been published: New Directions in Research on Education: Reconstruction in Challenging Circumstances, edited by Tom O’Donoghue and Simon Clarke (April 2019), Vatican II and Catholic Religious Secondary Education in Ontario: Changes within a North American Context, by Joseph Stafford (November 2019); The Revolution of Georges Cabanins: A Forgotten Education Reform in Post-Enlightement France by Naomar Almeida Filho (May 2022); Ovide Decroly (1871-1932): Un approache atipique? By Marc DePaepe, Frank Simon & Angelo Van Gorp (Sepember 2022); Meta-Education: The Attempt to Get Beyond a Politicized Conceptual Framework in Philosophy of Education by James Scott Johnston (forthcoming, spring 2023).
THEIRG Journal: Encounters in Theory and History of Education
Encounters in Theory and History of Education is a trilingual digital, open access publication of THEIRG, which aims to generate a vigorous scholarly dialogue among educational researchers from Canada, Spain and Latin America in the theories and histories of education.
Encounters in Theory and History of Education is a truly global collaboration. The members of the Editorial Team and Advisory Board contribute to the journal from research institutions in Canada, Chile, France, Spain, and the United States.
Since 2000, Encounters has published submissions from more than 150 scholars (authors and co-authors) affiliated with institutions in over 15 countries, including: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Encounters is published once a year in the fall. Visit the website here.
THEIRG Advisory Council
Members of the Advisory Council are David Bakhurst (Queen’s University), David Labaree (Stanford), Gabriela Ossenbach (UNED, Spain), Bruce Curtis (Carleton), Michael Attridge (St. Michael’s, University of Toronto), and Gonzalo Jover (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
THEIRG has a strong historical collaboration with the research group Cultura Cívica y Políticas Educativas, Faculty of Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.