Distinguished Appointment: The Canada Research Coordinating Committee invited THEIRG member Carlos Martínez Valle to serve as committee member on the New Frontiers in Research Fund, Tri-Agency funding program that commenced two years ago. There are three funding programs: Exploration, Transformation, and International. Carlos is being invited for the Transformation program, which is a high value competition – up to $24 million per project.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré received the 2022 Distinguished Historian Award from the Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious, June 26–29, 2022, at the University of Notre Dame’s CUSHWA Center and cosponsored by Notre Dame’s Medieval Institute, Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana), and the Center for Spirituality at Saint Mary’s College.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in the Humanities Division of the Academy of Arts and Humanities. See
THEIRG member Sol Serrano is awarded the Chilean National History Award (Premio Nacional de Historia) by the Chilean National Council of Culture and the Arts.

Rosa Bruno-Jofré received the Canadian Catholic Historical Association’s George Edward Clerk Award for contributions to Catholic history, on May 30, 2018. It is the the highest honour bestowed by the CCHA.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré is recognized as one of the Top Ten Most Influential Hispanic Canadians by TD Bank, Toronto, November 21, 2017.
Journal Distinctions
The Editorial Board of the Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ-ACRS) awarded Encounters in Theory and History of Education the 2021 Journal Innovation Award. The Association said in its announcement, “This award recognizes outstanding journal work and highlights the contributions that journals make to scholarly discourse. In making their decision on the award, the judges were impressed by the active innovations being made by [Encounters] in both design and media.” Read CALJ’s media release here.
THEIRG and the editors of Encounters are pleased to announce that we are an official sponsor for the 2020 International Conference on Politics and History of Education. The conference will take place June 3–5, 2020 and it will be hosted by the University of La Laguna – Spain. The theme for this year’s conference is Transfer, Transnationalization and Transformation of Education Policies (1945–2018). Submissions invited for Individual Communications and Thematic Panels in Spanish, English, Italian, or Portuguese. Deadline for the submission of the full text of the panel presentation (2000–2250 words) and of each paper (2000–2250 words) was December 10, 2019. Further information on the conference can be found at