Naomar Almeida Filho
Dr. Naomar Almeida Filho is full professor of epidemiology at the Collective Health Institute at Bahia Federal University (UFBA), of which he was president (2002-2010). He has also been president of the Southern Bahia Federal University. Almeida graduated in medicine and obtained a master’s degree in public health from UFBA. Since leaving the presidency of UFBA, he has focused his academic production on studying the university and its relationship with society.

Michael Attridge
Michael Attridge is an Associate Professor of Theology at the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto. His areas of teaching are systematic and historical theology, including ecclesiology, Christology, 19th and 20th Century Catholic movements and theologians, and the Second Vatican Council. He is the Director of the Institute for Research on the Second Vatican Council in Canada at St. Michael’s College and a member of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue in Canada. He is in the third year of a four-year, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funded project comparing the different forms of Catholicism in Ontario and Quebec from 1965–1985. Some recent and forth-coming publications include the co-edited collections, Vatican II: Expériences Canadiennes/Canadian Experiences (U of Ottawa Press, 2011), The Promise of Renewal: Dominicans and Vatican II (ATF Theology, 2017) and the Church and Migration: Global (In)Difference (Palgrave Macmillan – forthcoming).

Chris Beeman
From the esoteric to the commonplace, Chris:
- attends the more-than-human
- enacts a progressively more autochthonous life
- explores film, print, paint, song, earth, plant and mind
- learns from elders and mentors students
- researches and writes papers
Chris holds a PhD from the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. He is an Assistant Professor at Brandon University. Recent publications include contributions to Encounters in Theory and History of Education, Journal of Experiential Education, The Trumpeter, and Paideusis and a chapter entitled “Authochthonous Ed: Deep: Indigenous, Environmental Learning,” in Teacher Education in a Transnational World, edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and James Scott Johnston, University of Toronto Press, 2014. In the past Beeman taught courses in undergraduate programs including Art in an Aboriginal Context and Philosophy of Education, and in the graduate programs, Theories and Meanings in Aboriginal Education and Pedagogy and Transformation in Curriculum, in the Aboriginal and World Indigenous Education Studies program, at Queen’s University’s Faculty of Education. Through Simon Fraser University, Chris is a research associate with the CURA-sponsored green school in Maple Ridge, BC.

Rosa Bruno-Jofré
Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofré is Professor and former Dean (2000–2010) of the Faculty of Education, cross-appointed to the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Science, at Queen’s University. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in the Humanities Division. Her research has been and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Her Bachellor of Education is specialized in the teaching of history. Her most recent book (University of Toronto Press, 2022) co-authored with Jon Igelmo is titled Ivan Illich Fifty Years Later: Situating Deschooling Society in his Intellectual and Personal Journey. Other recent books are Our Lady of the Missions: From Ultramontane Origins to a New Cosmology (2020) published by the University of Toronto Press History Series, and co-authored with Joseph Stafford, The Peripatetic Journey of Teacher Preparation in Canada (London: Emerald, 2020). She edited Educationalization and Its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019.
Her recent authored and co-authored articles have appeared in Educational Theory, Hispania Sacra, Journal of the History of Ideas, American Catholic Review, Historical Studies, Journal of Ecclesiastical History (Cambridge), among other. She has authored and edited books published by University of Toronto Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Routledge, and Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
She has received the 2004 Lamp of Learning Award, in recognition of the contributions to public education in Ontario, Ontario Secondary Teachers’ Federation, the 2010 , Santander Group: Distinguished Visiting Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2018 George Edward Clerk Award from the Canadian Catholic Historical Association, the 2017 Toronto Dominion Bank Award as one of the Top Ten Most Influential Hispanic Canadians, 2022 Distinguished Historian Award from the Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious, June 26–29, 2022, at the University of Notre Dame’s CUSHWA Center.
Video – Rosa Bruno-Jofré, public lecture, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Josh Cole
Josh Cole’s research interests lie in the history of education, intellectual history, the history of modernity, and historical and contemporary cultural politics. He received his PhD in 2015 from the Department of History at Queen’s University, Canada. His SSHRCC-funded dissertation, entitled Children, Liberalism and Utopia: Education, Hall-Dennis, and Modernity in Ontario’s Long 1960s, will be published by McGill-Queen’s University Press. He has recently contributed two chapters, “Antigonish, or an ‘Education that is not Educationalization’” and (with Ian MacKay) “Concluding Analysis : Turning the Problem on Its Head – Looking to New Critical Dimensions”, in Educationalization and Its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology, University of Toronto Press, 2019.His new project is a history of adult education (as a body of thought and practice, a social movement, and a scholarly discipline) in Canada from the early-nineteenth to the early-twenty-first century. Selected publications: “Canadian Educational History in the Early-Twenty-First Century: An Assessment.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes (commissioned essay, in progress) “‘What the Dead Say to the Living’: Time, Politics, and Teacher Preparation in English Canada’s Long-1960s” (Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Josh Cole). In Pädagogisches Wissen in der Lehrerinnen-und Lehrerbildung / Educational Knowledge in Teacher Education, edited by Rebekka Horlacher and Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon. Germany: Klinhardt (forthcoming, 2016) “‘Our only Hope is Apocalypse’: Marshall McLuhan, Catholic Antimodernism, and 1960s Education Reform.” Historia de la Educación 35 (2016) “Organized Lightning: the Liberal Arts against Neoliberalism” (Josh Cole and Ian McKay). Our Schools/Our Selves 25 (4) 2015 “Commanding Heights, Levers of Power: A Reconnaissance of Education Reform, 1945–2014” (Josh Cole and Ian McKay). Encounters on Education / Encuentros sobre educación / Rencontres sur l’éducation Vol. 14, 2014 “Putting PISA in its Place (For Stuart Hall, 1932–2014).” Our Schools/Our Selves 24 (3) 2014 “‘To Serve and Yet Be Free’: Teacher Preparation in Ontario, Canada from the Fin de Siècle to the 1960s” (Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Josh Cole). In Teacher Education in a Transnational World, edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and James Scott Johnston, University of Toronto Press, 2014 “Alpha Children Wear Grey: Postwar Ontario and Soviet Education Reform.” Historical Studies in Education /Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 25 (2) 2013 “‘La Vida es Movimiento Continuo, la Inercia es Muerte’: El Informe Hall-Dennis, la Modernidad y la Educación Progresiva en el Ontario de Posguerra.” Sembrando Ideas 5 (1), 2011 [“‘Life is Perpetual Motion and Repose is Death’: The Hall-Dennis Report, Modernity, and Progressive Education in Postwar Ontario”].

Cristián Cox
Cristián Cox (Sociologist, Ph.D. University of London, 1984), is head of the Centre of Comparative Policies in Education (CPCE), at Universidad Diego Portales, in Santiago de Chile. Previously he was Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University of Chile and head of the Curriculum and Evaluation Unit of the Ministry of Education of his country (1998-2006), from where he led the design and implementation of the curriculum reform of Chile’s schooling system in the late Nineties. Since 2010 he leads the technical secretariat of UNESCO-OREALC’s Teachers Regional Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has been Visiting Professor at Stanford and Leiden universities.
A researcher and policy maker, he led the design and implementation of the 1990s curriculum reform of the school system of his country, was Tinker Visiting Professor at Stanford University in 2005, and belongs to the Project Advisory Committee of the International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS-2016), of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). He has also worked as a consultant for OECD, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and UNESCO. He has authored, co-authored or edited, 10 books and more than a hundred articles on educational policy, curriculum, teacher education and citizenship education. On this last topic he has just published (with J.C. Castillo and others) a book on the evolution of this area in Chile, Aprendizaje de la Ciudadanía. Contextos, experiencias, resultados (2015), and co-authored a comparative analysis for 6 countries of Latin America, Citizenship education in Latin America: priorities of school curricula (IBE Working Papers Nº 14 (2014)). Has participated or participates in the Editorial Board of journals, Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundación Carlos Chagas, Brasil), Perfiles Educativos (UNAM, México), Pensamiento Educativo (PEL) (Chile), Encounters (Queen’s University, Canada), Compare (UK), and the just launched, Journal of Professional Capital and Community (USA).
Email: cristian.cox@udp.cl
YouTube Channel

Darren Dias
Darren Dias, OP, PhD is the Executive Director of the Toronto School of Theology and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology in the University of St. Michael’s College. His areas of interest include Trinitarian theology, pneumatology, interreligious relations, and methodology. Some of his recent publications include: “Hard Sayings: New Questions for a Pilgrim Church” (2023), “Lonergan and Freire: An Initial Conversation” (2023), “Paulo Freire and Pope Francis on Dialogue: An Anticolonial Interpretation” (2022), “Trinity, Elemental Meaning and Psychic Conversion: A Pastoral Consideration” (2022). In 2019 he was appointed to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops-Canadian Council of Imams Working Group and from 2021-2022 he served on the Vatican’s Dicastery for Human Integral Formation theological group “Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries.” He has been the recipient of research awards from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the American Academy of Religion, and the Templeton Foundation. Darren currently serves as the Chair of the Lonergan Research Institute Board and the President of the Canadian Theological Society.

Naomar Almeida Filho
Naomar Almeida-Filho. Professor of Epidemiology (retired) at the Institute of Collective Health of UFBA. Ph.D. in Epidemiology. D.Sc. Honoris Causa: McGill University. Visiting scholar at several universities: UNC-Chapel Hill, UC-Berkeley, Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Universidad de Guadalajara, Université de Montreal, and Harvard University. His scientific career formerly focused on epidemiology in mental health and social studies of health. Author of books on methodology and epistemology in the field of Public Health. President of the Federal University of Bahia (2002-2010); founder and first President of the Federal University of Southern Bahia (2013-2017). ( See Almeyda Filho, Naomar, Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Exclusion: University Education in Contemporary Brazil, Harvard Review of Latin America, 12 (Fall), 60-63 among other publications related to the founding of the university.) Since then, he has re-directed his focus to studies on the relationship between the university, history, and society. He is currently Chair-Professor of the Alfredo Bosi Chair of Basic Education at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo.

Peter Glinos
Peter J. Glinos is a Queen’s University Master’s candidate writing a thesis analyzing the Alternative Education Resources Organization (AERO), a global hub for alternative schooling. He also has an Honours BA in history and biology from Wilfrid Laurier University, and a BEd from Queen’s University. He currently teaches at the City as School Toronto (CAST). His interests include the intellectual history of alternative education, anarchism, and evolutionary theory.

Ina Ghita
Ina Ghita obtained her doctoral degree from the Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona. She holds a M.Ed. from the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University and a MA in Cognitive Sciences and Interactive Media from Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona and a BA in Journalism and Communication Studies from the University of Bucharest. She has participated in the symposium sponsored by the 2017 Connection Grant. She has published articles and chapters. https://about.me/inaghita

Judith Harford
Judith Harford is Professor of Education and Deputy Head of the School of Education, University College Dublin. Her research area is history of education with a particular focus on gender and social class. Her books include The Opening of University Education to Women in Ireland (Irish Academic Press, 2008); Secondary School Education in Ireland: History, Memories and Life Stories, 1922–67 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015); A Cultural History of Education in the Modern Age (Bloomsbury, 2020) and Piety and Privilege: Catholic Secondary Schooling in Ireland and the Theocratic State, 1922–67 (Oxford University Press, 2021). She has served on several committees and working groups of the Irish state Department of Education and Skills and the Teaching Council of Ireland. She is a member of the Royal Irish Academy Social Sciences Committee, Public Interest Representative on the Law Society of Ireland Board of Examiners and a Fellow of the Geary Institute, UCD. She has acted as an international advisor to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Estonian Research Council. She is a Fellow of both the Royal Historical Society (London) and the Massachusetts Historical Society (USA), the Ireland Canada University Foundation Flaherty Visiting Professor, 2017–18 and a Fulbright Scholar in the Social Sciences, 2018–19. A Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge and a Life Member, Clare Hall, Cambridge, she has also held visiting scholar appointments at Boston College and the University of Toronto. She contributes regularly to the national press on educational issues and was VP for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the College of Social Sciences and Law, UCD in the period 2018–2021. Recent articles published in 2022 include: ‘Power, Privilege and Sex Education in Irish Secondary Schools, 1922–67: An Overview,’ Encounters in Theory and History of Education; ‘Building Academic Resilience in DEIS Schools,’ Irish Educational Studies, doi: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2094107; ‘Reflecting on 100 Years of Educational Policy in Ireland: Was Equality ever a Priority?,’ Irish Educational Studies, doi: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2085765; ‘Leading in the Academy: Women Science Professors at University College Dublin in the 1960s,’ Paedagogica Historica, doi: 10.1080/00309230.2022.2028872; ‘The DEIS Programme as a Policy aimed at Combating Educational Disadvantage: Fit for Purpose?’ Irish Educational Studies.

Jon Igelmo Zaldivar
Jon Igelmo Zaldivar, Ph.D., is an Associate professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, Spain). From 2015 to 2017 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Deusto (Bilbao) with a “Juan de la Cierva-incorporación” postdoctoral fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. From 2013 to 2014 he was a postdoctoral fellow at Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) with economical support of the Basque Country Government Postdoctoral Program (Spain). He defended his Ph.D thesis in 2011 at the UCM. He is member of the research group Cultura Cívica y Politicas Educativas (UCM). Since 2013, he is the assistant to the coordinators of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group (Queen’s University). As a PhD candidate he was visiting research scholar in 2008 at El Colegio de México, Mexico City, and in 2010 at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada). His papers have been published in relevant and well indexed journals of the field of history and theory of education such as: Bordón, Educational Theory, Teoría de la Educación, Education XX1 and The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. He has been invited to write two texts for the Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (Sage, 2014) and the Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (Springer, 2016). He has also co-authored (along with Rosa Bruno-Jofre) the book Ivan Illich Fifty Years Later: Situating Deschooling Society in His Intellectual and Personal Journey and co-editor of the book Catholic Education in the wake of Vatican II both edited by University of Toronto Press (2017). He is associate editor of the Spanish journal Bordón (Spanish Society of Pedagogy) and the Canadian journal Encounters in Theory and History of Education (Queen’s University).

Ana Jofre
Assistant Professor of Creative Arts and Technology, SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Before her appointment at SUNY she was a research fellow in the Visual Analytics Lab at OCAD University. Ana Jofre received her PhD in Physics from the University of Toronto, did Post-doctoral work at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Gaithersburg MD, and taught – and did research – at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte for six years before transitioning her career towards the arts. She then completed her MFA at OCAD University in Toronto. Her publications and conference presentations cover a wide range of intellectual interests, from physics to critical theory, and she has exhibited her artwork extensively. Her creative and research interests include figurative sculpture, public pedagogy, culture analytics, and data visualization.
Email: jofrea@sunypoly.edu
Portfolio and CV: https://anajofre.com/

James Scott Johnston
Professor jointly appointed, in the Faculty of Education and Department of Philosophy, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. His scholarship is in American philosophy, classical pragmatism, John Dewey, the intersection of pragmatism and continental philosophy, the history of philosophy of education, and the history of educational thought. He has published articles in the International Journal of Philosophy, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Dewey Studies, Educational Theory, and the Journal of Philosophy of Education. He has also published and edited numerous monographs, the most recent of which are Problems in Philosophy of Education (2019) and John Dewey’s Later Logical Theory (2020).

Gonzalo Jover
Gonzalo Jover obtained his Master’s degree in Arts and Education in 1982 and his PhD degree in Education in 1987, both with Honors. He is Full Professor of Education at the Complutense University in Madrid (UCM). Since January 2018, he holds the position of Dean at the Faculty of Education. He has been Visiting Scholar at Boston University, Teachers College of Columbia University, and Queen’s University, as well as Visiting Professor at several European and Latin American universities. President of the Spanish Pedagogical Association (SEP) and Member of the Councils of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and the World Educational Research Association (WERA). Associate Editor of the Revista Española de Pedagogía and Honorary Co-founding Editor of Encounters in Theory and History of Education. Professor Jover founded the Research Group on Civic Culture and Educational Politics at the UCM (www.ucm.es/ccpe). He also served as Adviser for the Ministry of Education during the 9th Parliamentary Term.
Professor Jover has edited books, monographs and published articles in Spanish and international journals as well as chapters in books. Some of his most recent publications together with other members of THEIR are (selection of the last four years): Igelmo, J.; Jover, G. & Quiroga, P. (2022) La educación y su conceptualización como técnica autónoma: un análisis a partir de la obra de Jacques Ellul. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana. 96, pp. 1–14; González-Martín, M.R.; Igelmo. J. & Jover, G. (Eds.) (2021) Condiciones del pensamiento crítico en el contexto educativo de inicio del siglo XXI. Salamanca: FahrenHouse; Igelmo, J.; Jover, G. & Quiroga, P. (2020) Hablar poco y hacer mucho, las campañas de educación popular, una iniciativa del servicio universitario del trabajo para las universidades españolas (1962–1968). Revista História da Educação, 24, pp. 1–29. 14; Igelmo, J. & Jover, G. (2019) El destierro en Tournai (Bélgica) de los Jesuitas de la Provincia de Castilla (1932–1938) un capítulo en la genealogía de la pedagogía social española, in: Hernández, J.M. (Ed.) Influencias belgas en la educación española e iberoamericana, Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, pp. 331–342; Igelmo, J. & Jover, G. (2019) Cuestionando la narrativa del aprendizaje servicio a partir de dos iniciativas de extensión social universitaria de orientación católica en la década de 1950 en España; Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana. 24, pp. 151–162; Jover, G. (2019) La intransferibilidad de las configuraciones pedagógicas: el viajero americano, in Igelmo, J. (Ed.) Ideas educativas en perspectiva filosófica e histórica: circulación, recepción y concreción en la práctica, Salamanca, FahrenHouse, pp. 53–61.

Heidi MacDonald
Heidi MacDonald is professor of History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of New Brunswick, Saint John campus. She was director of the Centre for Oral History and Tradition at the University of Lethbridge. Her research interests include the histories of Atlantic Canada, the Great Depression, women religious (nuns), and youth. Her current SSHRC-funded project, Women Religious in Atlantic Canada since 1960, considers the intersection of women religious with feminism and the state in Atlantic Canada. Dr MacDonald was the 2015–16 chair of the editorial board of the Canadian Historical Review and has served on national adjudication committees, including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s Insight Grants committee and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Program committee. She was awarded the Hilda Neatby Women’s History Prize in 2010. For a full cv, click here: Recent Publications: Heidi MacDonald, “New Educational Approaches Heidi MacDonald, “‘Being in your Twenties in the 1930s’: Masculinity and Liminality during the Great Depression,” The Difference Kids Make: Bringing Children and Childhood into Canadian History, Mona Gleason and Tamara Myers, eds. (Vancouver: UBC press, Forthcoming 2015). Heidi MacDonald and Emily Burton, “Avoiding and Exaggerating Renewal: Maritime Catholic Newspapers’ Reporting on Women Religious, 1962–1975” Consecrated Life in Modern Canada, Jason Zuidema, ed. (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2015), 151–162. Heidi MacDonald “Chapter 6: Singleness and choice: The impact of gender, age, time and class on three female youth diarists in 1930s Canada,” Writing Feminist History: Productive Pasts and New Directions, Catherine Carstairs and Nancy Janovicek, eds. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2013), 118–35. Susan A. McDaniel and Heidi MacDonald, “To Know Ourselves – Not,” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 37(3) 2012: 253–70. Heidi MacDonald “Who Counts and Why? Nuns, Work, and the Census of Canada, 1871–2001,” Histoire Sociale/Social History, vol 86 (November, 2010): 369–391. Heidi MacDonald and Elizabeth Smyth, “Imaging Perfectae Caritatis: viewing the consecrated life through the motherhouse museums of Canadian women religious,” Vatican II and Canada, Michael Attridge et al, eds. (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011), 476–494. Heidi MacDonald, “Maritime Women, the Great Depression, and the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Program,” Making Up the State: Women in 20th-Century Atlantic Canada, Janet Guildford and Suzanne Morton, eds. (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 2010), 131–149.

Cristóbal Madero
Cristóbal Madero is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Policy and School Development in the School of Education at Alberto Hurtado University in Santiago, Chile, and a research affiliate at the International Education Research Initiative, University of Notre Dame, and Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, Boston College. He is a sociologist and received his M.A. and PhD in educational policy from the University of California, Berkeley, and a master’s degree in Theology from Boston College. His research interests are in the intersection of religion and education at the public level, with a particular focus on catholic schools in Latin America, inclusion policies in religious schools, and schoolteachers´ attraction and retention policies. His work has been published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Teachers and Teaching, Educational Administration Quarterly, International Studies in Catholic Education, and the Harvard Review of Latin America, among others.

Carlos Martínez Valle
Carlos Martínez Valle, Professor, Faculty of Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He teaches History of Education, Educational Policy, and Comparative Education at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. He has worked at the Center for Comparative Education, Humboldt University of Berlin, and at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, Ontario. As TMR researcher of the 4th Frame Program of European Union and research fellow and assistant professor at Humboldt University, he researched and lectured on globalization in education. He co-authored with Jürgen Schriewer World-Level Ideology or Nation-Specific System- Reflection? Reference Horizons in Educational Discourse (Educa, 2003). He has published, among others, in Encounters in Theory and History of Education/Rencontres, Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftforschung, Paedagogica Historica and chapters in collections published by Columbia Teachers College and Routledge. His work combines history of ideas and philosophy, comparative education, and history of education, and focuses on the processes of resistance against and filtering of globalized trends and standards in specific contexts. He has published also about the Spanish and German educational systems in a comparative perspective, Religious Thought or the Reformation Age and fundamentalism, and the history of Spanish and Mexican education from a comparative perspective.

Tom O’Donoghue
Tom is from Lismore, Co. Waterford, Ireland, where he went to school, before attending St Mary’s Strawberry Hill, London, the University of Limerick, Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin. He worked as a high school teacher in Ireland and as a teacher, educator and university academic in Ireland, Papua New Guinea and around Australia. He has also worked extensively in Singapore, Hong Kong, The Philippines, and Malaysia. He is a former Deputy Dean of The University of Western Australia’s Faculty of Education and former Associate Dean Teaching and Learning of its Faculties of Economics, Commerce, Education and Law. He is an Elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and an Elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, UK.
He specialises in the history of education, particularly in relation to investigating the historical antecedents to contemporary education issues. This includes work on Catholic religious teaching brothers internationally, bilingual education, teacher education, education in post-conflict countries, and undergraduate curriculum change. Currently he is a general editor of the Emerald Book Publisher’s international series on Teacher Preparation across the World: History, Policy and Future Directions. He is a member of the International Centre for Historical Research in Education, the Institute of Education, University College London. He is also a member of the editorial board and/or corresponding member of the following refereed journals: British Journal of Educational Studies; History of Education (UK); History of Education Review; Journal of Educational Administration and History; International Studies in Catholic Education; Irish Educational Studies; Australian Journal of Teacher Education.

Maitane Ostolaza
Maitane Ostolaza is a full professor at the University of Perpignan, France, Previously, she was a full professor of contemporary Spanish civilization at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. His research focuses mainly on the study of the relationships between education, religion and modernization in contemporary Spain. She has recently worked on the issue of gender and religion from a historical perspective as well as on issues related to sacred spaces. She has carried out research stays at the University of Amsterdam, the European University Institute of Florence (Italy), the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and the University of Reno-Nevada (USA). She is the author of the books: El garrote de la depuración. Maestros vascos en la Guerra Civil y el primer franquismo, 1936–1945 (San Sebastián, 1996) and Entre Religión y Modernidad. Los colegios de las congregaciones religiosas en la construcción de la sociedad guipuzcoana contemporánea, 1876–1931 (Bilbao, 2000). She has edited a special issue of journal Amnis dedicated to religion: Entre Dieu et le Siècle. Religion, politique et société à l’époque contemporaine (Amnis-Revue de civilisation contemporaine Europes/Amériques, No 11, 2012). Besides, she is co-editor of two collective books: Culturas políticas en la España del siglo XIX, Paris, Editions Hispaniques, 2010; and Emoción e identidad nacional: Cataluña y el País Vasco en perspectiva comparada, Paris, Editions Hispaniques, 2015. She has also presented around 30 papers (in English, French, Spanish and Basque) at various international conferences. Most of them have been published in journals and collective books, both in France and in Spain.

Macarena Ponce de León Atria
Macarena Ponce de León Atria is the Director of the National History Museum in Chile and Assistant Professor at the Institute of History of Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. In 1999 she obtained a DEA (Diplôme d’études appliquées) at Paris I, Sorbonne-Pantheon, finished her PhD at the Catholic University of Chile in 2007 where she was a postdoctoral Fellow. She was a visiting fellow at the Kellog Institute for International Studies (University of Notre Dame, USA) and at the Ibero Amerikanisches Institute in Berlin. Her main fields of research are the social and political history of Chile in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She specializes in the study of the relationship between society and the state through private charity and public welfare, education and her current research project focuses on the practices of political representation and the expansion of political citizenship in the twentieth century. She is author of Gobernar la pobreza. Prácticas de caridad y beneficencia en la ciudad de Santiago, 1830-1890, (Santiago, 2011); and the joint editor with Sol Serrano of the collective volumes, Historia de la educación en Chile, 1810–2010, tomos I and II (Santiago, 2012).

Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães
Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães holds a Bachelor’s and a Licentiate in History from the University of São Paulo (1995), a Master’s in Social History from the University of São Paulo (1998), and a Doctorate in Social History from the University of São Paulo (2003). Prof. Magalhães is currently Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil. Her research is focused on Medieval History, mainly on the following topics: Religion and Religiosities, Migrations in History, History of the Catholic Church, History of the University, History of Franciscanism, History and Narratives, among others. She coordinates the LABORA-Laboratory of Studies and Text Production on Thought and Culture in the Middle Ages, and the INPAR – Research Group on Plurality and Ambiguities Relating to the Human Condition. She is the author of the following books: The Franciscans and The Church in the Middle Ages, Language and Speech Production in History, among others. His bibliographic production encompasses a wide variety of articles, book chapters and conference presentations at specialized events. Prof. Magalhães is fellow researcher at the Research Group “Iberian World”- a partnership of several universities from Brazil and from Portugal -, and Associate Professor in the Young Researcher Project “Instruction and conversion in the world of Iberian exempla: Pillars of Christian morality”- a partnership among the University of São Paulo, the University of Campinas, and the University of Friburg (Switzerland). Since 2018, Prof. Magalhães is Advisor at the Research Provost Office in the University of São Paulo.

Patricia Quiroga Uceda
Patricia Quiroga Uceda is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She was a Postdoctoral Researcher Juan de la Cierva-Formación at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Spain). Previously she has worked at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as a postdoctoral researcher as well. She holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogy and defended her thesis entitled “The reception of Waldorf education in Spain” at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and received Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado (Extraordinary Doctoral Price). Her supervisors were Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover Olmeda. She is an external member of the research group Cultura Cívica y Políticas Educativas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and an associate member of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG). Recent publications: – Quiroga Uceda, P. (2016) “Waldorf Education: intersections of anthroposophy, the concept of Bildung, and New Education”, Queen’s Education Letter, 17–19. – Quiroga Uceda, P. (2015) “Waldorf Teacher Education: Historical origins, its current situation as a higher education training course and the case of Spain”, Encounters in Theory and History of Education, 16, pp. 129-145. – Quiroga Uceda, P. (2015) “María Solà i Ferrer (de Sellarés) (1899-1998): de la teosofia a la pedagogia Waldorf”, en Vint mestres I pedagogues del XX: un segle de renovació pedagògica a Catalunya. Publicacions de Rosa Sensat. – Quiroga Uceda, P. y Girard, O. (2015) “La expansion internacional de la pedagogía Waldorf: un análisis histórico”, Temps d’educació, 48, pp. 91–109. – Igelmo, J. y Quiroga Uceda, P. (2015) “Las palabras también son hechos”: Quentin Skinner, el giro contextual y la Teoría de la Educación, Teoría de la Educación, Educación y Cultura en el Sociedad de la Información –TESI, 15 (4), pp. 184–211. – Quiroga Uceda, P. y Igelmo, J. (2013) La pedagogía Waldorf y el juego en el jardín de infancia: una propuesta singular, Bordón, 65 (1), pp, 79–92. Her first book is entitled “Rudolf Steiner. Conferencias sobre pedagogía Waldorf” (Biblioteca Nueva, forthcoming 2018).

Ruth Sandwell
Ruth Sandwell is a historian and history educator who teaches in the History Department and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. She has edited two collections of essays about teaching history and is the author of several articles on the topic. She has published in the fields of history of the family, of rural Canada. She was recently a Fellow at the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society in Munich, Germany, where she was working within the emerging field of energy humanities on her social history of energy in Canadian homes, 1850-1950. She was the founding co-director of The History Education Network/Histoire et Éducation en Réseau (www.THEN/HiER.ca) (2008–2016) and the founding co-director and educational director of the award-winning history education web-based project, The Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History. (www.canadianmysteries.ca) (1997–2017)

Sol Serrano
Sol Serrano, historian, holds a Ph.D. from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and is a Professor in the Faculty of History, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and recipient of the Premio Nacional de Historia (National Prize in History 2018). Author of various books, she studies the secularization of the Chilean State during the XIX century from the perspectives of religious associations. Her project is entitled “Catholicism and Secularization in Chile in the XIX Century,” funded by a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. She has been visiting researcher and/or associated member of The Colegio de Mexico, Saint Antony’s College, Oxford University; Erasmus Institute, Notre Dame University; Sorbonne University; and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University.
Current Projects:
2019–2023 Project Horizon 2020 (Rise 2018). Failure. Reversing the genealogies of unsuccess, 16th–19th centuries, Madrid Intitute Advanced Study (MIAS), Casa de Velásquez from Spain, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Universidades Nova de Lisboa.
2017–2019 Universitá Roma III y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, En torno a los confines: experiencias religiosas entre marginalidad y exclusión en Europa y América. (Around the limits: religious experiences between marginality and exclusion in Europe and America). Researcher.
Recent publications:
El liceo. Relato, memoria, política. Editorial Taurus, Santiago, 2018 Sol Serrano, Macarena Ponce de Leon, Historia de la Educación en Chile 1810–2010, Tomo I, Aprender a leer y escribir (1810–1880), Ed. Taurus, 2012, 2nd edition 2013, Santiago de Chile.
Sol Serrano, Macarena Ponce de Leon, Francisca Rengifo (eds.), T.II, La educacional nacional, 2012 (2 ed. 2013), Ed. Taurus, Santiago de Chile.
Sol Serrano and Macarena Ponce de León, Capuchin Missions in Mapuche Territory: The Education of an Original People in Chile from 1880 to 1930, pp. 312–334 in Rosa Bruno-Jofré, ed. Educationalization and Its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology (University of Toronto Press, 2019).
“Catholic Mobilization and Chilean Revolutions, 1957–1989”, Kathleen S. Cummings (ed.), Catholics in the Vatican II Era: Local Histories of a Global Event. Cambridge University Press, 2017. (co-author Luz Maria Diaz de Valdés)
“La Iglesia Católica y las elecciones de 1964: las confluencias del catolicismo moderno” en Carlos Hunees, Javier Couso (editores), Eduardo Frei Montalva: un gobierno reformista. A 50 años de la “Revolución en Libertad; Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, 2016
“Entre el conocimiento útil y la mera imaginación: el lector tiene la palabra”, Biblioteca Nacional. Patrimonio republicano de Chile, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Santiago, 2014, pgs.102–121
“La réinvention du catholicisme dans un space sécularisé” en Annick Lempériere (ed.), Penser L´histoire de l´amerique latine. Hommage a Francois-Xavier Guerra; Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2012.
“El ocaso de la clausura: mujeres, religión y estado nacional. El caso chileno” en Peer Schmidt, Sebastian Dorsch, Hedwig Herold-Schmidt, Religiosidad y Clero en América Latina (1767–1850). La Época de las Revoluciones Atlánticas, Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimer Wien, 2011, pp.329–362
“El problema nacional. Introducción” en Darío Salas, El Problema Nacional. Bases para la reconstrucción de nuestro sistema escolar primario, reedición de Biblioteca Fundamentos de la Construcción de Chile, Cámara Chilena de la Construcción, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Biblioteca Nacional, Santiago, 2011.
“El gobiernos y las libertades. La ruta del liberalismo chileno en el siglo XIX” en Iván Jaksic y Eduardo Posada Carbó (Eds.), Liberalismo y poder. Latinoamérica en el siglo XIX, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Santiago de Chile, 2011, (en coautoría con Iván Jaksic). Current research project: Innovation in history teaching: using school archives.

Elizabeth M. Smyth
Professor and former Vice Dean, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto Liz.smyth@utoronto.ca Elizabeth Smyth is a Professor of Curriculum Teaching and Learning at the University of Toronto. She is a Senior Fellow of Massey College and the University of St Michael’s College. Her research interests include the history of the professions, technology and pedagogy, and the history of women religious. For this latter course of research, she was the recipient of the George Edward Clerk Medal for outstanding contribution to Canadian religious history and the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International History of Women Religious Network. In 2016, she was awarded the Vivek Goel Faculty Citizenship Award by the University of Toronto for her sustained contributions to the University in multiple leadership roles and in diverse spheres. Elizabeth is the author/editor of seven books and over 60 articles/book chapters. Her most recent SSHRC-funded research studies have included: Leading Sisters, Changing Times: Women Religious in English Canada in the Post Vatican II World (Principal Investigator); Disciplining Academics: the tenure process in social science (Co-Investigator); and The State of the Consecrated Life in Contemporary Canada (Collaborating Investigator). Her most recent books are Education, Identity and Women Religious, 1800–1950: Convents, Classrooms and Colleges, (London: Routledge, 2015) coedited with Deidre Raftery and Women Educators, Leaders and Activists 1900–1960: Educational Lives and Networks, coedited with Tanya Fitzgerald (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). With Patricia Kmeic, she contributed the chapter “Experiencing Vatican II: oral histories of women religious recalling change, challenges and creative solutions” to Jason. Zuidema ‘s Understanding The Consecrated Life in Canada. (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press. 2015) and the chapter “Mirrors, windows and prisms: Women religious and the teaching of religion and theology in English Canada 1847–1977 “to Brigette. Caulier and Joel Molinario’s Enseigner les religions: regards et apports de l’histoire. (Quebec: Presses de L’Universite Laval, 2014). She has delivered papers on her research at the Australia New Zealand History of Education Conference, Victoria University Wellington, December 4–6, 2015, the Invitational Symposium Catholicism and Education: Fifty Years After Vatican II (1962–1965), a Transnational Interdisciplinary Encounter, Bilbao, Spain June 2015 and the Nun in the World Conference Cushwa Centre, Notre Dame University London (UK) Centre (London England) May 7–9, 2015. She was the Program Chair for the 2015 Triennial History of Women Religious Conference (Santa Clara University, June 2016). She has fully participated in the Connection Grants 2015 and 2017 and published chapters in the edited books coming from the symposia and published by University of Toronto Press. Faculty Website.

Joe Stafford
Joe Stafford (josephstafford7@gmail.com) is a retired high school teacher who completed his PhD in the history of education at Queen’s University in 2018. With 29 years of teaching experience, Joe was also a department head for 17 years. In 2008, he was a recipient of the Governor General’s Award for Teaching Excellence in the Teaching of Canadian History, a national award. He is currently a Past President of the Ontario Historical Society after serving on its Board of Directors for several years. Joe has a number of publications based on his doctoral research on the history of Catholic religious education at the secondary level. His publications include a chapter, “The Educationalization Process and the Roman Catholic Church in North America during the Long Nineteenth Century,” in Educationalization and Its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019), and a chapter, “The Conditions of Reception for the Declaration on Christian Education: Secularization and the Educational State of Ontario,” in Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017). His publications also include papers published in various journals: “An Analysis of the Fundamental Shift in Catholic Secondary Religious Education in North America During the Long Sixties, 1955–1973,” Encounters in Theory and History of Education, Volume 18, 2017; “Strict Neo-Thomism in the Catholic High Schools of the Archdiocese of Toronto, 1940–1960,” Historical Studies, Volume 83, 2017; “Looking to the Past and Moving to the Future: A Catholic High School Curriculum for the 21st Century,” Historia de la Educacion, volume 35, winter 2016, Universidad de Salamanca; and “The Importance of Educational Research in the Teaching of History,” The Canadian Journal of Social Studies, spring issue, 2006. Joe also has several other publications dealing with Canadian history and the teaching of history, including articles in Canada’s major history magazine, Canada’s History.

Bonita Uzoruo
Bonita Uzoruo has worked as an Indigenous educator in Toronto’s public schools since 2005. For the past decade Bonita, has served the urban Indigenous school community in Toronto, by delivering culturally relevant educational initiatives. In 2017, Bonita helped pilot a new Indigenous focused high school at the TDSB and Wandering Spirit School. As part of this endeavour she helped to co-created a number of cross-cultural curricula that embedded Indigenous language and ways of knowing.
Currently, Bonita is finishing her Masters of Education Degree in the World Indigenous Studies in Education Studies Program at Queen’s University, under the advisement of Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofre. Her research areas includes, First Nations Self-Determination, Decoloniality, and the development of Indigenous teacher education programs in Canada. In 2017, Bonita participated in the THEIRG symposium in Chile and presented her paper Educationalization in Canada: the Use of Native Teacher Education as a Tool of Decoloniality, which was subsequently published in Educationalization and its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology, by the University of Toronto Press. Bonita also participated in the 2022 THIRG in Toronto, Ontario, where she presented her research paper, An Analysis of First Nations Educational History: Moving from State Control to Community Empowerment.

Diana Gonçalves Vidal
Diana Gonçalves Vidal completed her PhD in History of Education at the University of São Paulo in 1995. After that, she began her academic career at the same University. In 2010 she became Full Professor. She is Senior Editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education; and coordinator of the Project Knowledges and practices in borders: toward a transnational history of education (1810-…) (FAPESP 2018/26699-4). She holds the position of Researcher 1A at CNPq, is leader of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on History of Education (NIEPHE-USP), a member of Theory and History of Education International Research Group, and a researcher at Advanced Studies Instituto (IEA- USP). She serves FAPESP’s Evaluation Board for Human and Social Sciences, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the History of Education journal (UK), Encounters in theory and history of education (Canadá), Caderno do Instituto Luso-Brasileiro (Germany), Thesaurus scholae. Fonti e studi sul patrimonio storico-educativo (Italy), British Journal for Educational Studies (BJES) (UK) and Revista Argentina de Investigación Educativa (Argentina). She served the Executive Committee of ISCHE (2014-2021) and acted as its Treasurer (2018-2021). In the past, she was member of the Editorial Board of ISCHE/ Palgrave Macmillan’s Global Histories of Education (and former editor-in-chief from 2016 to 2020); President of Brazilian History of Education Society (2003-2007); President of the Committee for Education at CNPq (National Council for Research), National State Department of Science and Technology, Brazil (2012-2015); vice-dean of Faculty of Education (USP) (2014-2018) and Dean of the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB-USP, 2018-2022). She has been awarded scholarships by a variety of organizations and foundations and served as a visiting professor in Paris, Beijin, London and Buenos Aires. Her research interests include the New Education, school culture, school practices, historiography of education, connected and transnational history and digital humanities. She has published books, articles and chapters on these issues, including, in the past five years: