
Connection Grant 2023

A Contextual Historical Analysis of Conceptions and Practices of Education across Time and Space from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century. February 16-19, 2023, University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto.

A symposium of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG) in partnership with, members of the Institute for Research on the Second Vatican Council in Canada at USMC, the Civic Culture and Educational Policies Research Team from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, members of the History of Education Research Group (NIEPHE), and the Thematic Project Education in Borders of the University of São Paulo, and the Cátedra Alfredo Bosi, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA/USP) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Hybrid closed working symposium. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant file 611-2019-0427.
Principal Applicant: Rosa Bruno-Jofré; Host: Michael Attridge.

Session I: Navigating Through Changing Social and Intellectual and Ideological Currents: An Overview and a Focus on the End of the Nineteenth Century to the Mid 1920’s.

Session II: The Carving of a Catholic Space in the Order of Things in the First Half of the Twentieth Century.

Session III: Paths to Decoloniality

Session IV: Experiencing With Educational Intersections, Co-Options, and Hybridity: The Social and Political Dimensions of Pedagogical Practices and Historical Significance

Full program

Connections Grant 2021

Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society Fifty Years Later. University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, May 21-22, 2021.

An invitational international two-day symposium marking the fiftieth anniversary of two of the most influential books in modern educational and social theory: Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (published in Portuguese in 1968, translated into English in 1970) and Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society (published in 1971, drawn from articles written in the late 1960s). The symposium gathered the members of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group, led by Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, the Civic Culture and Education Policy Research Team from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, members of the Institute for Research on Vatican II at USMC, and members of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions/RNDM women religious, who work with political refugees and join efforts with various NGOs in Canada and internationally .

Session I: Historical Framework

Session II: Theological Intersections

Session III: Freire and Illich and Contemporary Critical Issues in Education

Session IV: Freire in Attempts at Transformation Across Continents in the Last Decades

Session V: Catholic Education and the Influence of Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich

Full program

Connection Grant 2017

Educationalization of Social and Moral Problems in the Western World and the “Educationalization of the World”: Historical Dimensions Through Time and Space. Funded by a Connection grant of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Closed symposium – August 1–4 inclusive – at the Faculty of History, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile gathered the members of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group (THEIRG), located in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University, to debate our work in relation to educationalization processes.

The symposium was hosted by the History of Education Research Group at the Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science led by Sol Serrano (also a member of THEIRG), and the Center for the Study of Educational Policy and Practices (CEPPE UC) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Researchers and graduate students of the Faculty of Education were involved as invitees as well.

Link to Program:

The eDucarR-Deusto Education Research, University of Deusto, Spain covers the costs of two members including a graduate student. The Faculty of History of the Pontificia also contributes with two tickets and hotel costs for two participants from Canada in addition to transportation. The applicant, Rosa Bruno-Jofré, is the coordinator/director of THEIRG and co-applicants are Sol Serrano (the host in Chile) and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (assistant to the coordinator of THEIRG and member of eDucarR-Deusto Education Research). Collaborators are members of THEIRG Daniel Tröhler (University of Vienna), Elizabeth Smyth (Vice-Dean, Graduate School, University of Toronto) and Carlos Martínez Valle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

One of the sessions at the symposium at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Public Panel: Christianism and Educationalization

Auditorio de la Facultad de Historia, Geografía y Ciencia Política
Chair: Sol Serrano (Universidad Pontificia de Chile) Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Queen’s University), Carlos Martínez Valle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Daniel Tröhler (University of Vienna)
Discussant: Elizabeth Smyth (University of Toronto)

Connection Grant 2015 in Spain

Symposium June 2–5, 2015. Program

Dr. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, applicant and Dr. Paulí Dávila, co-applicant (University of the Basque Country), have been awarded a SSHRC Connection Grant for their study entitled Catholicism and Education: Fifty Years After Vatican II (1962–1965): A Transnational Interdisciplinary Encounter.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, two research groups are collaborating on Catholic history: the Faculty’s Theory and History of Education International Research Group, coordinated by Drs. Bruno-Jofré and James Scott Johnston with the assistance of Jon Igelmo Zaldivar; and the Group of Historical and Comparative Studies in Education (Garain) coordinated Dr. Paulí Dávila from the Faculty of Philosophy of Sciences of Education, University of the Basque Country, Spain. There will be a symposium in San Sebastian-Donostia, Spain and a book whose proposal was approved by the University of Toronto Press. Drs. Elizabeth Smyth (University of Toronto), Gonzalo Jover (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Luis Maria Naya Garmendia (Universidad del Pais Vasco) are collaborators. Twenty scholars will participate in this project. For more information about the Symposium, which took place from June 2–5, 2015, see THEIR Organizes International Symposium on Catholicism and Education in Spain.

Project members, who are not members of the Group participating in the Connection Grant 2017 “Educationalization of social and moral problems in the western world and the “educationalization of the world”: Historical dimensions through time and space. Funded by a Connection grant of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada”.

  • Felicitas Acosta, Universidad General Sarmiento, Argentina
  • Sergio Riquelme Muñoz, Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
  • Angela García Pérez (Deusto University, Spain)

Eighteen scholars participated in the symposium:

Michael Attridge (St. Michael’s University College at the University of Toronto)
Christopher Beeman (Brandon University)
Esther Berdotte (University of the Basque Country)
Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Queen’s University)
Josh Cole (Queen’s University)
Cristian Cox (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Paulí Dávila (University of the Basque Country)
Bernard Hugonnier (Institut d’études politiques de Paris)
Jon Igelmo (Queen’s University and Deusto University)
Ana Jofré (OCAD University, Canada)
Heidi MacDonald (University of Lethbridge, Canada)
Carlos Martínez Valle (University Complutense de Madrid)
Lindsay Morcom (Queen’s University)
Luis Naya Garmendia (University of the Basque Country)
William F. Pinar (University of British Columbia)
Gemma Serrano (Collège des Bernardines, Paris)
Elizabeth Smyth (University of Toronto)
Joseph Stafford (Queen’s University)