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Published Books
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. Ivan Illich Fifty Years Later: Situating Deschooling Society in His Intellectual and Personal Journey (University of Toronto Press, 2022)
Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, Mariano González Delgado y Patricia Quiroga Uceda (2021) Historia de la Educación: pasado y presente de un ámbito de conocimiento (Síntesis, 2021)
Josh Cole, Hall-Dennis and the Road to Utopia: Education and Modernity in Ontario (Carleton Library Series) (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021).
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Joseph Stafford. The Peripatetic Journey of Teacher Preparation in Canada. (Emerald, 2020)
Rosa Bruno-Jofré. The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions: From Ultramontane Origins to a New Cosmology. (University of Toronto Press, 2019)
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, ed. Educationalization and Its Complexities: Religion, Politics, and Technology (University of Toronto Press, 2019). This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This book is the product of a 2017 SSHRC Connection Grant.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, eds, Education in the Wake of Vatican II (University of Toronto Press, 2017). This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This book is the product of the Connection Grant 2015–2016.
Bruno-Jofré, R., Johnston, S. J., Jover, G., & Trohler, D. (2010). Democracy and the intersection of religion and traditions: The readings of John Dewey’s understanding of democracy and education. Montreal, QC and Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 50% plus chapters.
Bruno-Jofré, R., & Johnston, J. S. (Eds.) (2014). Teacher education in a transnational world. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Bruno-Jofré, R., & Schriewer, J. (Eds.) (2011). The global reception of John Dewey’s thought: Multiple refractions through time and space. New York, NY, and London, England: Routledge. The book includes chapters from Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover, Marcelo Caruso and Inés Dussel, Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Carlos Martínez Valle, Barbara Schulte, Jeremy Rappleye, Ana Isabel Madeira, Irina Mchitarjan, Norbert Grube, James Scott Johnston, and Jürgen Schriewer.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Heidi McDonald and Elizabeth Smyth. Vatican II and Beyond: The Changing Mission and Identity of Canadian Women Religious (McGill-Queen’s University Press). This book will be published with the help of a grant from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Forthcoming Books
Bruno-Jofré, R., Attridge, M. & Igelmo, J. (2023) (eds) Rethinking Freire and Illich: Historical, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives. Canada, ON: University of Toronto Press
Guest Editors of Special Issues
Guest-editors: Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, Rosa Bruno-Jofré , Michael Attridge, 50 Years of the Publication of Paulo Freire’s ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed; and Ivan Illich’s ‘Deschooling Society’, Espacio, Tiempo y Educación , 9, no1 (2022). Papers related to the Connection grant 2020.
Guest editors Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Diana Gonçalves Vidal, Visions and Practices of Education as Transformative Tools, Cadernos de História da Educaçao, 2023.
Guest editors Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Diana Gonçalves Vidal, Special Issue: “Visoes e prácticas da educaçao como ferramentas transformativas” in Cadernos de História da Educaçao Vol 9, no. 1, 2022.
Guest Editors Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Patricia Quiroga Uceda, Special Issue: “Explorando Intersecciones entre religión y prácticas educativas en escenarios Canadienses y Europeos,” Historia de la Education 35 (2016), Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. Contributors, Daniel Tröhler, Josh Cole, Sasha Mullally and Heidi MacDonald, Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Carlos Martínez Valle, and Joe Stafford.
Group Work or Internal Partnerships: Articles, Chapters, and Others
Bruno-Jofré, Rosa, Michael Attridge, and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, eds. Rethinking Freire and Illich: Historical, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives. University of Toronto Press, 2023. Book preview including table of contents.
Jofre, Ana, and Josh Cole. 2024. “A Cultural Analytic Study of Facial Imagery in Time Magazine, 1923–2014.” Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 14(1): 1–26. https://doi.org/10.16995/dscn.10047.
Attridge, M. (2023). A antropología teológica de Paulo Freire na Pedagogía do Oprimido: uma contribuição à discussão. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 22(Contínua), e–206. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v22-2023-206
Bruno-Jofré, R., & Vidal, D. G. (2023). Visões e práticas da educação como ferramentas transformativas. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 22(Contínua), e–202. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v22-2023-202
Bruno-Jofré, R., & Jofre, A. (2023). A visão transformadora da educação dos primeiros jesuítas no contexto da colonização desde o início do século XVI até sua supressão em 1773: uma síntese longue durée e um mapa on-line interativo localizando os colégios. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 22(Contínua), e–203. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v22-2023-203
Fateh, M. A. (2023). BRAC (ব্র্যাক): adesão ao programa de educação de base comunitária para crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade social em Bangladesh. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 22(Contínua), e–207. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v22-2023-207
Johnston, J. S. (2023). Idealismo, Pragmatismo e o Nascimento do pensamento educacional pragmatista na América. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 22(Contínua), e–208. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v22-2023-208
Zaldívar, J. I., Olmeda, G. J., & Uceda, P. Q. (2023). Perspectivas de Ivan Illich sobre a educação na prática: de projetos educacionais contraculturais na década de 1970 à pedagogia decolonial indígena dos anos 1990 em diante. Cadernos De História Da Educação, 22(Contínua), e–205. https://doi.org/10.14393/che-v22-2023-205
Beeman, C. (2022). From Scarcity to Abundance: Illich’s Educational Critique and Indigenous Learning. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 69-82. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ ete.515
Dias, J.D.C. (2022). Paulo Freire and Pope Francis on Dialogue: an Anticolonial Interpretation . Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 83-98. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ ete.517
Fateh, M.A. (2022). Bangladesh: An Analysis of BRAC’s Shift from Freire’s Critical «Conscientization» to a Neoliberal Self-Optimization Approach of Development, Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 99-121. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.542
Igelmo, J., Bruno-Jofré, R. & Attridge, M. (2022). Ivan Illich and Paulo Freire’s Ideas and Influences on Education in the Last Fifty Years. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 1-5. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.595
Jofre, A., Boylan, K. & Yucel, I. (2022). Desarrollo de Herramientas de Educación Convivencial en el Siglo XXI: una propuesta desde las ideas de Paulo Freire y Ivan Illich. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 6-26. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.492
Madero, C. (2022). Paulo Freire y el mundo educativo e intelectual jesuita en Chile (1964-1969): una relación colateral. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 9(1), pp. 27-45. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.504
Igelmo Zaldívar, J. & Quiroga Uceda, P. (2021) Los viajes de Paulo Freire a España (1984–1994) y la consolidación del ámbito académico de la pedagogía social a partir de los años noventa. Práxis Educativa, vol. 16, pp. 1–18.
Jofre, A., Cole, J., Berardi, V., Bennett, C., and Reale, M. (2020). What’s in a Face? Gender Representation of Faces in Time, 1940s-1990s. Journal of Cultural Analytics. DOI: 10.22148/001c.12266
Jofre, A., Berardi, V., Bennett, C., Reale, M., and Cole, J. (2020). Faces Extracted from Time Magazine. Journal of Cultural Analytics. DOI: 10.22148/001c.12265
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Jon Igelmo, Ana Jofre, & Cal Bowry, forthcoming. “Encounters in Theory an History of Education”, in Connecting History of Education, Scientific Journals as International Tools for a Global World, J. L. Hernández Huerta, A. Cagnolati, & A. Fernández Diestro, eds. Spain, Salamanca, Collection Ágora, 3.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré. 2020. “Church, Religion and Morality”, pp. 13–35, in Judith Hartford and Thomas O’Donoghue, A Cultural History of Education in the Modern Age. London: Bloomsbury.
Igelmo Zaldívar, J.; Jover Olmeda, G. & Quiroga Uceda, P. (2020) “Hablar poco y hacer mucho”: las campañas de educación popular. Una iniciativa del Servicio Universitario del Trabajo para las Universidades Españolas (1962–1968). Revista História da Educação, v. 24, pp. 1–29.
Igelmo Zaldívar, J. & Jover Olmeda, G. (2019) Cuestionando la narrativa del aprendizaje servicio a partir de dos iniciativas de extensión social universitaria de orientación católica en la década de 1950 en España. Utopía y praxis latinoamericana, 24 (87), pp. 151–162.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Martínez Valle C. 2019 “Church, Religious Institutions, the State, and Schooling.” In: Fitzgerald T. (eds) Handbook of Historical Studies in Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-0942-6_13-2.
Ana Jofré and Rosa Bruno-Jofré. 2019. Digital History. Las Religiosas del Niño Jesús, St. Maur, en España, su relación con el mundo en nuevos términos durante los largos años sesenta (1957–1975) y más allá: la misión en Bembibre, León, Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, Spain, volumen 6, no 2, pp.153–175. See conceptual map at https://theirgroup.org/Bembibre/.
Quiroga Uceda, P & Igelmo Zaldívar, J. (2019). El viaje a Cuernavaca, México, de John Holt y su relevancia para la historia del Movimiento Global de la Educación en Casa. Práxis Educativa, vol. 15, pp. 1-15.
Igelmo Zaldívar, J. & Quiroga Uceda, P. (2018) La pedagogía ligera en tiempos hipermodernos: el homeschooling, las escuelas Waldorf y la nueva pedagogía ignaciana. Teoría de la Educación, 30 (1), pp. 75–94.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo. 2017. Ivan Illich, the Critique of the Church as It: From a Vision of the Missioner to a Critique of Schooling. In Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Eds.), Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. 2017. Emerging Issues and Approaches in the Analysis of Catholicism and Education: Fifty Years after Vatican II. In Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Eds.), Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Patricia Quiroga Uceda. 2016. Presentación: Exploring Intersections between Religion and Practices and Educational Theory in Canadian and European Scenarios. Historia de la Educación, Revista Interuniversitaria, University of Salamanca, 35, 27–33.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Elizabeth Smyth. 2016. Doctoral Programs in Canada: The Ontario Case. In Donatella Palomba and Carlo Cappa (Eds.), Doctoral Studies and University Identities: A Comparative View (pp. 27–50). Rome, Italy: Aracne. Editrici, Comparative Education Studies/Studi comparative in educazione.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. 2016. Monsignor Ivan Illich’s Critique of the Institutionalized Church, 1960–1966. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Cambridge University Press, 67 (4), 568–586.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Josh Cole. 2016. What the Dead Say to the Living?: Time, Politics, and Teacher Preparation in English Canada’s long-1960s. In Rebekka Horlacher and Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon (Eds.), Pädagogisches Wissen /Pedagogy and Educational Knowledge (pp. 247–264). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinhardt.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Ana Jofré. Fall 2015. Reading the Lived Experience of Vatican II: Words and Images, The Canadian Province of the Sisters of Our Lady of Missions in Peru. Historical Studies, Canadian Catholic Association, 81, 31–52.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. 2012. Ivan Illich’s Late Critique of Deschooling Society: “I was Largely Barking up the Wrong Tree.” Educational Theory, Journal of the John Dewey Society and the Philosophy of Education Society, 62, 5, 573–592.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover. Fall 2011. The Readings of John Dewey’s Work and the Intersection of Catholicism: The Cases of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza and the Thesis of Father Alberto Hurtado, S.J. In Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jürgen Schriewer (Eds.), The Global Reception of John Dewey’s Thought: Multiple Refractions through Time and Space. Routledge. English version of the article published in Encounters.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Carlos Martínez Valle. 2011. Ruralizing Dewey: The American Friend, Internal Colonization, and Escuela de la Acción in Post-revolutionary Mexico (1921–1940). In Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jürgen Schriewer (Eds.), The Global Reception of John Dewey’s Thought: Multiple Refractions through Time and Space. Routledge. English version of the article published in Encounters.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Ed.). (Spring/Summer 2014). “Current issues in education: An inquisitive engagement.” Queen’s Education Letter. Includes contributions from Group members William Pinar, Daniel Tröhler, and Jon Igelmo.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Daniel Tröhler (Eds.). (2014). “El viaje peripatético de la educación en un mundo globalizado y ‘educationzalizado.’” Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educational Latinoamericana (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), 51. Encounters in Theory and History of Education/Rencontres 2014 was devoted to historiographical turns and history of education. It was co-edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Daniel Tröhler.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré. (August 2013). Special issue of Paedagogica Histórica, “Catholic teaching congregations and synthetic configurations: Building identity through pedagogy and spirituality across national boundaries and cultures,” vol. XLIX, number IV. Members of the Group serving as contributors include Elizabeth Smyth and Carlos Martínez Valle, as well as Bruno-Jofré.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Cristián Cox, James Scott Johnston, Gonzalo Jover, and Daniel Tröhler (guest co-editors). (Fall 2012). Special issue of Encounters/Encuentros/Rencontres on Education in Spanish. Theme: “Teacher education: An international perspective on paradigm changes.” Special contribution for translations from the Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Contributors included Nicholas Burbules (University of Illinois), Nel Noddings (Stanford University), Tom Russell (Queen’s University), LeRoy Whitehead (Queen’s University), Maria Merino Dickinson (Universidad Católica, Temuco, Chile), Daniel Tröhler (University of Luxembourg), Anne Rohstock (University of Tuebingen), and the co-editors.
Newsletter: Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Ed.). (Spring/Summer 2014). “Current issues in education: An inquisitive engagement.” Education Letter (Queen’s University). Includes contributions from Group members William Pinar, Daniel Tröhler, and Jon Igelmo. Rosa Bruno-Jofré. (August 2013). Special issue of Paedagogica Histórica, “Catholic teaching congregations and synthetic configurations: Building identity through pedagogy and spirituality across national boundaries and cultures,” vol. XLIX, number IV. Members of the Group serving as contributors include Elizabeth Smyth and Carlos Martínez Valle, as well as Bruno-Jofré.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Cristián Cox, James Scott Johnston, Gonzalo Jover, and Daniel Tröhler (guest co-editors). (Fall 2012). Special issue of Encounters/Encuentros/Rencontres on Education in Spanish. Theme: “Teacher education: An international perspective on paradigm changes.” Special contribution for translations from the Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Contributors included Nicholas Burbules (University of Illinois), Nel Noddings (Stanford University), Tom Russell (Queen’s University), LeRoy Whitehead (Queen’s University), Maria Merino Dickinson (Universidad Católica, Temuco, Chile), Daniel Tröhler (University of Luxembourg), Anne Rohstock (University of Tuebingen), and the co-editors.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré. (Guest Editor). (2010). “Reinventando la América Hispana: El imaginario educativo y la independencia.” Special monographic issue of Bordón, journal of the Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, 62 (2). Included an article by Carlos Martínez Valle. Special issue of Encounters/Encuentros/Rencontres on Education (2009), co-edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jürgen Schriewer (Humboldt University) in Spanish, entitled “Leyendo a John Dewey: Procesos de recepción y adopción en diferentes espacios socio-históricos.” Contributions from members of the Group included articles by Gonzalo Jover, Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Carlos Martínez, Norbert Grube, and James Scott Johnston, along with contributors from various European and Asian universities linked to the Comparative Education Centre at Humboldt. This is the outcome of the Symposium that took place in Kingston at Queen’s in April 2008, involving the Theory and History of Education International Research Group and the international team led by Jürgen Schriewer from Humboldt University, to work on the international reception and adoption of John Dewey’s ideas.
Articles and Chapters in Books by THEIRG Members as Joint Work
Jon Igelmo, Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Michael Attridge, guest-editors: Product of the 2021-23 Connection Grant.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Martínez Valle C. 2019 “Church, Religious Institutions, the State, and Schooling.” In: Fitzgerald T. (eds) Handbook of Historical Studies in Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-0942-6_13-2.
Ana Jofré and Rosa Bruno-Jofré. 2019. Digital History. Las Religiosas del Niño Jesús, St. Maur, en España, su relación con el mundo en nuevos términos durante los largos años sesenta (1957-1975) y más allá: la misión en Bembibre, León, Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, Spain, volumen 6, no 2, pp.153-175. See conceptual map at https://theirgroup.org/Bembibre
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. 2017. Emerging Issues and Approaches in the Analysis of Catholicism and Education: Fifty Years after Vatican II. In Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Eds.), Catholic Education in the Wake of Vatican II. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Bruno-Jofre, R., & Smyth, E. (2016). Doctoral programs in Canada: The Ontario case. In D. Palomba, & C. Cappa (Eds.), University identities: A comparative view. Rome, Italy: Aracne. Editrici, Comparative Education Studies/Studi comparative in educazione. 50%
Bruno-Jofré, R., & Cole, J. (2016). What do the dead say to the living? Time, politics, and Teacher preparation in English Canada’s long 1960s. In R. Horlacher & A. Hoffmann-Ocon (Eds.), Pädagogisches Wissen in der Lehrerinnen -und Lehrerbildung [Educational Knowledge in Teacher Education] (pp. 247-264). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinhardt. 50%
Bruno-Jofré, R., & Igelmo Zaldívar, J. (2016). Monsignor Ivan Illich’s critique of the institutionalized church, 1960-1966. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 67(4), 568–586.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Ana Jofré. Reading the Lived Experience of Vatican II: Words and Images, The Canadian Province of the Sisters of Our Lady of Missions in Peru, Historical Studies, Canadian Catholic Association, vol. 81 (fall 2015): 31–52.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Josh Cole. To Serve and Yet to be Free: Historical Configurations and the Insertions of Faculties of Education in Ontario in Teacher Education in a Transnational World, Rosa Bruno-Jofré and James Scott Johnston, co-editors (2014). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré. History of Education in Canada: Historiographic “turns” and Widening Horizons, Paedagogica Historica, LXVI, Extra II (July-December 2014), 257–487.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. The Center for Intercultural Formation, Cuernavaca, Mexico its Reports (1962–1967) and Ivan Illich’s Critical Understanding of Mission in Latin America, Hispania Sacra, LXVI, extra II (July-December 2014): 457–487.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover. (2013). “El educando como sujeto y el lugar del juego en el debate educativo de finales del siglo XIX en Norteamérica.” Bordon, journal of the Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, Spain, 65 (1), 21–37.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. (2012). “Ivan Illich’s late critique of Deschooling Society: ‘I was largely barking up the wrong tree.’” Educational Theory, journal of the John Dewey Society, and the Philosophy of Education Society, 62 (5), 573–592.
Heidi MacDonald and Elizabeth Smyth. (2011) “Imagining Perfectae Caritatis: Viewing the Consecrated Life through the Mother House Museums of Canadian Women Religious, pp.476–494. In Michael Attridge, Catherine Clifford & Gilles Routhier, Vatican II, Canadian Experiences. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and George (Skip) Hills. (2011). “Visions of excellence in Ontario: The Case of the Hall-Dennis Report (1968) and For the Love of Learning (1994).” Educational Theory, journal of the John Dewey Society, 61, 335–349.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover. (2011). “The readings of John Dewey’s work and the intersection of Catholicism: The cases of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza and the thesis of Father Alberto Hurtado, S.J.” In Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jürgen Schriewer (Eds.), The global reception of John Dewey’s thought: Multiple refractions through time and space, pp. 23–42. London & New York: Routledge. English version of the article published in Encounters, 10 (2009).
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Carlos Martínez Valle. (2011). “Ruralizing Dewey: The American friend, internal colonization, and Escuela de la Acción in post-revolutionary Mexico (1921-1940).” In ibid. pp. 59–82. English version of the article published in Encounters, 10 (2009).
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover. (2009). “El ideal democrático en el ideario pedagógico americano de finales del siglo XIX y su transposición en dos escenarios de habla hispana.” In R. Berruezo & S. Conejero (Eds.), El largo camino hacia una educación inclusiva. La educación especial y social del siglo XIX a nuestros días, pp. 23–33. Pamplona: Universidad Pública de Navarra.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover. (2009). “Lecturas de la obra de John Dewey en intersección con el Catolicismo: Los casos de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza y la tesis sobre Dewey del padre Alberto Hurtado, S.J.” Encounters/Encuentros/Rencontres on Education, 3–22.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Carlos Martínez Valle. (2009). “Ruralizando a Dewey: El amigo americano, la colonización interna y la Escuela de la acción en el México Posrevolucionario (1921–1940).” Encounters/Encuentros/Rencontres on Education, 43–64
International Debates
Debate organized by Daniel Tröhler: Rosa Bruno-Jofré. “The arduous task of articulating Foucault’s thinking in teacher education: Responding to Lynn Fendler’s plea.” Bildgungsgeschichte, International Journal for the Historiography of Education (successor of Zeitschrift füur pädagogische Historiographie), Heft 2 (2011), Klinkhardt, 192-195. The entire debate with various authors: pp. 165–195.
Debate organized by Daniel Trohler: Rosa Bruno-Jofré. “Rethinking History of Education: Historiological Issues, response to The Ten Commandments of good practice in history of education research” by Marc Depaepe, K.U. Leuven. Depaepe is senior editor of Paedagogica Historica. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Historiographie, 16 (1) (2010), 43–45. The entire debate with various authors: pp. 31–47.
*Bruno-Jofré, R. (2015). History of religious education: A transnational and trans-temporal journey: Rescuing the longue durée and moving beyond theories of secularization. Contributing to the debate opened by David Käbisch. Bildungsgeschicht: International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 5, 218–221. Organized by D. Tröhler.
Panels and Meetings
Book launching of the book “La Sociedad Desescolarizada y Otros Textos sobre Educación,” by Ivan Illich and panel entitled Conversaciones sobre Educación. Presenters: Rosa Bruno-Jofré (co-author of the Introductorio Study), Jon Igelmo (co-author of the Introductory Study), Paulo Cosin Director Ediciones Morata, Gabriela Ossenbach, director of the Classic Collection of Education, SEDHE, UNED, Eugenio Otero, President de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educació (SEHDE), Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Noviembre 20, 2020, via zoom.
Presenters: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Heidi MacDonald, and Elizabeth Smyth, Discussion of Vatican II and Beyond: The Changing Mission and Identity of Canadian Women Religious, 11th Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious, sponsored by the CUSHWA Center for the Study of American Catholicism, Notre Dame University, 23–26 June 2019 at Saint Mary College, Indiana.
Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Ana Jofre. Commemorating, Preserving, and Celebrating Women Religious in the Digital Domain” 11th Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious, sponsored by the CUSHWA Center for the Study of American Catholicism, Notre Dame University, 23–26 June 2019 at Saint Mary College, Indiana
Presenters: Christopher Beeman, Rosa Bruno-Jofré, and Patricia Quiroga Uceda, panel entitled Visions of Nature, Humanhood, and Education and their Intersections with Spirituality and Institutionalized Religion, ISCHE, Education and Nature Berlin, 29-08 to 01-09-2018.
Invited panel. Presenters, Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, Patricia Quiroga. Presented at International Congress Society, Education and Elites: Historical Perspectives from the Enlightenment to the Digital Era, Deusto University, Bilbao Campus, Spain, May 17–19, 2017. Presentation on May 18.
Presenters: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Indre Cuplinskas, Heidi MacDonald, Elizabeth Smyth, Chair: Jacqueline Gresco. Panel entitled “Clothing Catholic Women in the 20th Century” Participation with individual papers. Joint Session of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association and the Canadian Historical Association, Toronto, May 31st, 2017.
Invited Lecture. Bruno-Jofré, R. with Igelmo Zaldívar, J. (Deusto University). “Ivan Illich: De la Crítica al Trabajo Misionero a la Crítica de la Escolarización,” Faculty of Education, University of Valencia. Invited by the Departamento de Educación Comparada e Historia de la Educación, March 27th, 2017 in the afternoon.
Presenters: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, Patricia Quiroga Uceda, Carlos Martínez Valle. Panel titled: International Congress Society, Education and Elites: Historical Perspectives from the Enlightenment to the Digital Era, Deusto University, Bilbao Campus, Spain, May 17–19, 2017. Presentation on May 18.
Presenters: Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Ana Jofré, Patricia Quiroga Uceda, Carlos Martínez Valle, Jon Igelmo Zaldívar. Chair: Daniel Tröhler. Individual papers. Panel entitled “Catholic teaching and the long transnational 1960s: Reclaiming the body, active pedagogies, and rebuilding selfhood. Friday August 19, 2016, International Standing Committee History of Education Conference 38, Loyola University, Chicago.
Presenters: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Elizabeth Smyth, Heidi MacDonald, Christine Lei, Chair Robert Berard. Panel entitled “Vatican II and Canadian women Religious: Re-energizing or dismantling? 83rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association, June 1–2, 2016, Calgary.
Bruno-Jofré, R. & Jofré, A. Invited presentation. “Leyendo la experiencia vivida del Concilio Vaticano II y entretejiendo palabras e imágenes: la provincia canadiense de las Sisters of Our Lady of Missions in Peru (1968–1986).” Seminario International: “Educación e Iglesia Católica: Transiciones en el Siglo XX.” May 28, 2015, Universidad de Deusto, Spain.
Bruno-Jofré, R. & Igelmo, J. Invited presentation. “La radicalización de la crítica a la Iglesia institucionalizada y la formación de misioneros de Iván Illich (1960–1966).” Seminario Internacional: “Educación e Iglesia Católica: Transiciones en el Siglo XX.” May 28, 2015, Universidad de Deusto, Spain.
Presenters: Rosa Bruno & Ana Jofré, Heidi MacDonald. Papers presented at the International Colloquium, Male and Female Religious and Vatican II. Rome, November 12–14, 2014. Organized by LARHRA, Universite de Lyon, FR; CERCOR-EPHE, FR; KADOC-KU Leuven, Be; Centro Studi e Richerche sul Concilio Vatican II (Pontifical Lateran University), Italy; with the support from The “École française de Rome,” The Belgian Historical Institute in Rome, The Academia Belgica, Rome.
Bruno-Jofré, R. & Igelmo Zaldívar, J. The Center for Intercultural Formation, Cuernavaca, Mexico its Reports (1962–1967) and Ivan Illich’s Critical Understanding of Mission in Latin America, American Historical Association/American Catholic Historical Association, Washington, January 2–6, 2014.
International Conference of Religions and Social Innovation, the University of St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, 27–29 October 2013. Panel: “Latin America as a renewed missionary field and the influence of Vatican II.” Participants: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Jon Igelmo, Elizabeth Smyth.
American Historical Association – 128th Annual Meeting: American Catholic Historical Association, Washington DC, 2 and 5 January 2014. Panel: “Latin America as a renewed missionary field and the influence of Vatican II.” Participants: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Jon Igelmo, Elizabeth Smyth.
Congress 2014 of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario), 24–30 May 2014. Panel: “Canadian missions to Latin America and Asia.” Participants: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Jon Igelmo.
International Conference of Religions and Social Innovation, the University of St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, 27–29 October 2013. Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, “The Center for Intercultural Formation, its Reports (1962–1967) and a critical understanding of mission in Latin America,” at the panel entitled “Latin America as a renewed missionary field and the influence of Vatican II.”
International Standing Conference for the History of Education, ISCHE 35, Riga, Latvia, 21–24 August 2013. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, “Women teaching congregations and the building of the self, situational dimensions: The case of the Notre Dame des Missions in Canada within a transnational context,” Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, at the panel on “The configuration of the learner as a cultural and political subject: Transhistorical and transnational analysis.”
Conferencia-Seminario, sponsored by the Grupo de Investigación Cultura Cívica y Políticas Educativas and the Seminario Interdisciplinar Género y Educación, Faculty of Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 13 May 2013. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, invited speaker, “Misioneras en las praderas canadienses, 1898–1930: Educación, política y espiritualidad.”
The State of Consecrated Life in Contemporary Canada, Concordia University, Montreal, 25–26 January 2013. Conference/colloque financially supported by SSHRC, limited to 22 speakers. Rosa Bruno-Jofré Panel consisted of papers by Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Elizabeth Smyth and Heidi MacDonald.
The History of Women Religious in Britain and Ireland Annual Conference, University College Dublin, 21–22 June 2012. Theme: Vocation, Education & Care: Histories and Archives of Women Religious. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, “Faith, language, identity and Catholic Education in Western Canada: Charism and educational philosophy – A comparative analysis of an international congregation and a diocesan congregation.” Panel entitled “Women religious, education and identity building”; other members of the panel were Elizabeth Smyth who presented “Gender, religion and higher education: A century of women religious at the University of Toronto,” and Margaret Susan Thompson with the paper entitled “Sisters, schools and the creation of American Catholic identities.”
History of Education Society, 51st Annual Meeting, 3–6 November 2011, Allerton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. Panel entitled “Intellectual thought in education at the Fin de Siécle: Globalization and transformation of scientific and philosophical currents in different socio-intellectual and disciplinary settings,” organized by the Theory and History of Education Research Group. Chair: Wayne Urban (University of Alabama).
Participants: James Scott Johnston (Queen’s University), “Rival idealisms at the Fin de Siècle”; Rosa Bruno-Jofré (Queen’s University) and Gonzalo Jover (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), “The publication of the Pedagogical Creeds in The School Journal, 1896–97”; Carlos Martínez Valle, “The transatlantic movement of ideas, and the intersection of religion with the intellectual currents of the time.”
Canadian Catholic Historical Association/American Catholic Historical Association Conference, St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, 1 and 16 April 2011. Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover, “The Pedagogical Creeds of the end of the XIX century in the United States: The transatlantic movement of ideas and the readings of John Dewey’s Creed in its intersection with Catholicism.”
XII Congreso Internacional de Teoría de la Educación: Autonomía y Reponsibilidad. Contextos de Aprendizaje y Educación en el Siglo, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, 20–23 October 2011. Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Gonzalo Jover, “La configuración de la noción del educando como sujeto: Una exploración a partir del debate educativo del Fin de Siècle en Norteamérica y más allá.”
Rosa Bruno-Jofré, colloquium in Gonzalo Jover’s class (open to the public), Reflexiones desde la Experiencia Acerca de la Formación Docente, Aula Magna, Facultad de Educación, Centro de Formación del Profesorado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 18 October 2011. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, invited speaker: seminar, “La investigación histórica sobre educación y los movimientos de las ideas pedagógicas en un contexto de internacionalización,” Facultad de Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Sala de Juntas, 18 October, 2011. Addressed to Gonzalo Jover’s graduate class, open to faculty members and the public.
Participation of members of the Group at the IV Congreso iberoamericano de Pedagogía: 200 años, sponsored by the Secretaría de Educación del gobierno del Estado de México y la Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, 7–11 September 2010, Toluca, Estado de México. Keynotes at two different opening sessions: Gonzalo Jover, “La participación de los estudiantes en la Universidad” and Rosa Bruno-Jofré, “La educación como tecnología de transformación: Análisis comparativa tras-histórico de la presencia de Dewey en Ibero-América a comienzos del siglo XX con el movimiento de educación popular de los años setenta y la influencia de Freire.”
XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies – Bordering and Re-bordering and New Possibilities in Education and Society, Istanbul, Turkey, 14–18 June 2010. Rosa Bruno-Jofré and Skip Hills, “Changing visions of excellence in Ontario (Canada) school policy: The cases of Living and Learning (1968) and For the Love of Learning (1994).”
Institut d’ Etudes Européennes-IEE, University Paris 8, Graduate international class, 28 May 2010. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, invited speaker, “Historical readings of participatory experiences of popular education.” Professor Sylvianne Toporkoff. Dr. Toporkoff has worked with the Group on some of its major projects.
Unité de recherché LCMI, Université du Luxembourg, Campus Walferdange, 27 May 2010. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, collaboration with Daniel Tröhler’s team in Luxembourg and public presentation as invited speaker, “Historical readings of participatory experiences of popular education.”
XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Comparada, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, 5–7 May 2010. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, presentation of the special issue of Encounters, 10, (2009), “Leyendo a John Dewey: Procesos de recepción y adopción en diferentes espacios socio-históricos.”
International Meeting in 2009, participation of core members of the Group in various capacities and meetings in Santiago, Chile.
International Congress. La Universidad y la Atención a la Diversidad Cultural: De la Discriminación a la Inclusión, sponsored by Pontificia Católica Universidad de Chile, Villarrica Sede, 27 November 2009. Keynote speaker: Rosa Bruno-Jofré, “La política universitaria, la diversidad y las nuevas tecnologías de la administración.” Participation of members of the Group and meetings with researchers. Meeting with Cristián Cox, Gonzalo Jover, and contributors from Chile.